One big deer - no one ever bothered it. It is a sacred thing. This may be the same deer that people say lives by Arrowhead Springs. Certain people see it -- not everyone sees it. It appears now and then. It has antlers, big ones. And a big white collar down the front. My son was with me—he wanted to chase it, to kill it by hitting it with a 2 x 4. (He was a teenager), it ran east. It came so close-- it was a rainy day. It‘s not an omen of anything—it’s like a message, we’re still here. I’m still here, and you are too. It’s proud-- it looks at you, then it looks up and away. Look at you, proud thing-- you are above everything.
Huucát: making himself visible.
Everything’s fine.

Martha Chacon, Interview, March 23, 1996