The Deer That Came for Louisa

Another deer came when Lousia died. Was the deer there to carry her soul away? Was that deer really her? Or was it there to tell us of her passing? Indians believe that when they die, their spirit goes east. Wisha had been stuck for a long time. Pauline stated, I’d bathe with her-- she wouldn’t let me tell anyone how sick she was. She had open sores by her navel. It was a kind of stomach cancer. She just tied pads on it, and bound it up tightly. She had been seeing that old doctor Yacqui – Traves. When mother confronted her, she was stubborn. She didn’t want to admit she was dying. But at the end, she knew she would not be coming home as we know her.

She was dying on a Sunday. We called an ambulance. When the police came they said "We saw a deer walking right up the road. We honked, but it wouldn’t move." It came to my house and stood staring at the house -- the kids saw it. They were frightened and wanted to throw rocks at it make it go away. Mother told them "no, that is Wisha’s spirit." They stood and watched it. When Wisha heard that a deer was there she said, "That is my spirit! When I leave here that deer will run east and when I come back, I will come back in a box." When the ambulance left with Wisha, the deer ran east across the field where those houses are now.
Pauline Murillo, Interview, April1, 1998

One should never place the head of a bed against an east wall. Guests would find this insulting because they will think that you are trying to hurry them to their death.
Martha Chacon, Interview April 1, 1998.